Know Your Why

Know Your Why

"When you know your why, you can endure any how." - Viktor Frankl

The most important question anyone will encounter in their life time is the question of why? One word can spark many feelings to an individual when asked that question. Sometimes it is anxiety, sometimes it is excitement, other times it is anger. But the question of why, should always be known. 

When I made the decision to become a baseball coach and an education major in college, the first question I asked myself was why? That reason was this, to ensure that the students and student-athletes that I cross paths with will not only be better students and student-athletes, but reach their potential to be better people. That is my why. If you ask anyone why they chose what they did, the answer will vary. But people will always know their why. 

Those that know their why, will endure anything. That is why I really like Viktor Frankl's quote. That quote no doubt was meaningful to him. Frankl was remembered as an Australian neurologist and psychiatrist, who wrote a book on the subject of people knowing their why. That book was called, "Man's Search for Meaning." This book was a best-selling book in 1959.
 But there is another fascinating fact about Frankl that I believe you will find amazing. Frankl was a Holocaust survivor.

 In 1942, Frankl, his wife, and parents were put into a Nazi concentration camp. Frankl's skills in psychiatry were quickly noticed. This gave Frankl many jobs during his time in the various concentration camps he would be placed at. During this time, Frankl would help others with dealing with grief and anxiety. Frankl showed bravery by helping others, knowing very well he could have died at any time. Frankl would survive the Holocaust and World War II.

 Frankl's wife and family members were all killed in the Holocaust. The only survivor Frankl had with his family was his sister Stella. In 1945, Frankl would take what he experienced throughout World War II and find ways to heal others. He understood his why, he knew that he had a gift and passion in helping others and he decided to pursue in that passion, despite the terrible things that have happened. 

That is the powerful thing about knowing your why. No matter what life throws at you, that why comes back into play and sets you on straight. That why is the moral compass that keeps us going along to not only help ourselves, but help others. The most important thing that we can do in life is to help someone else. As coaches, teachers, and leaders our whys gel together. Odds are if you are reading this blog, you want to become a better person or leader. Our shared why, is helping others develop and grow into better people. 

When you spread your knowledge and leadership to others, that really influences you. Think of all of the people that you looked up to as a young person. Those people helped shape you into what you are today, and those people planted the seed for you to grow and know your why. With time being so short in our lives it is important to thank those that shaped you, and let them know how grateful you are for them. 
